Vision of Self

The jewelry brand that helps you manifest your dreams
— Bernard Smith

Meet Bernard Smith, the founder of Vision of Self, a novel jewelry brand that goes beyond adornment to become a powerful tool for manifestation and empowerment. With a strong background in fashion and inspired by his transformative experiences through Latin America, Bernard conceived Vision of Self during his personal journey for self-discovery and self-improvement.

Vision of Self presents jewelry that is personal, meaningful and impactful. The brand's core concept revolves around intentional jewelry, featuring a signature barrel locket that serves as a sacred chamber for personal, handwritten notes. These notes, inscribed on Vision of Self intention paper, act as constant reminders, fostering a profound, enduring and tangible connection to one's intentions, goals, and dreams.

Backed by research and developed with insights from global mind-body leaders, Vision of Self helps deepen the wearer's commitment to their aspirations. The act of writing down intentions on paper has been shown to increase the likelihood of success by 42%, and this philosophy is seamlessly integrated into every piece of Vision of Self jewelry.

The brand's flagship Vision of Self Barrel Locket allows individuals to carry their dreams wherever they go. Celebrities like Joan Smalls, Coco Rocha, and Gavin Casalegno have embraced Vision of Self, using its manifesting power to elevate their careers and lives. 

Bernard envisions a community of diverse and like-minded individuals using Vision of Self to simplify positive thinking, intention setting, mindfulness, and manifesting. Stay aligned with your goals and fulfill your Vision of Self with jewelry!