What is a Push Present?

Push presents have gained popularity in recent years and are often seen as a thoughtful gesture. But what exactly are push presents, and are they actually a modern tradition worth considering?

Also known as a “baby bauble”, a push present is a gift that a husband gives to a wife shortly after she has given birth (i.e. “pushed the baby out”), either in the hospital or during the postpartum period. And yes, push presents are definitely a thing! We give gifts for birthdays and graduations and weddings and anniversaries, why not for the birth of one’s child?

Pregnancy and child birth are no small feats. It requires immense strength, resilience and love to navigate the profound physical and emotional challenges involved. Women are superheroes, y’all. A push present is a way of saying, “You did it, and I’m in awe of you. Thank you for enduring everything to bring this beautiful little human into the world. I love you.” It is a celebration of a new mother’s journey and an appreciation of her unwavering efforts and sacrifice. It symbolizes the love, gratitude and empathy a partner holds for the mother of his child.

When a baby is born, it's natural for the focus of attention to center around the newest, cutest addition to the family. In all the excitement, we can forget that a mother has just gone through one of the most overwhelming, demanding, life-changing experiences in the world. It’s heartwarming when that doesn’t go unacknowledged.

Jewelry is a popular choice for a push present, and it's no wonder why. It’s a gift she can wear every day as a constant reminder of the special occasion of the birth of her child. What makes jewelry even more special is its incredible customization potential. Many partners opt for birthstone jewelry or pieces that have the baby's name, birthdate or a heartfelt message engraved on them. This adds an extra layer of sentimental value that's unparalleled. And here’s the best part – jewelry is a gift that can be cherished for generations to come. It can become a precious family heirloom, a tangible piece of history to share with children and grandchildren, carrying the beautiful story of that special day through time.

You might be thinking, "Jewelry sounds amazing, but it can be expensive." And yes, we agree that it can be. But there are also beautiful options available at various price points, so you can find something gorgeous and meaningful that also suits your budget. Let us help you! Get in touch with us if you’re looking for the perfect push present for your love. We are so excited to help every new mom feel special :)

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