I can buy myself flowers...and jewelry!

Miley Cyrus’s hit song chorus “I can buy myself flowers” is not only really fun to sing, but also a powerful reminder of self-love. Did you know that in recent years, there has been a significant shift in the world of jewelry? Any jeweller will be able to tell you. As women, we are purchasing jewelry for ourselves more than ever before. It is something that is wonderful to see and deserves to be highlighted, so let’s explore what it means.

Self-love and self-expression

We are recognizing the importance and joy of self-love and the power we have to make ourselves feel special. Additionally, jewelry is an extension of personality and style and we’re using it to communicate our individuality and uniqueness. By purchasing jewelry for ourselves, we can curate a collection that reflects our taste, values, and personal journey.

Celebration of milestones and achievements

Traditionally, jewelry has been associated with special occasions such as engagements, anniversaries, or birthdays, often involving gifts from the men in our lives. We still find it beautiful and tremendously meaningful to receive jewelry as gifts or engagement rings from them. However, we are now celebrating our own milestones and achievements as well. Whether it's a promotion, graduation, or personal triumph, buying jewelry for ourselves has become a way to commemorate these significant moments and create lasting memories.

Growing financial independence

As more of us achieve financial independence, we have the means and agency to invest in ourselves. We are actively working towards our goals and dreams, and buying jewelry as a reward for our hard work and success has become a symbol of our accomplishments. It represents a tangible reminder of our achievements and serves as a testament to our determination.

Confidence and empowerment

When we look good, we feel good. Wearing jewelry can boost confidence and make us feel stronger, like a personal armor of sorts. By selecting and purchasing our jewelry, we have the freedom to choose pieces that enhance our confidence and reflect our authentic selves, allowing us to radiate our unique beauty from within.

Breaking of societal norms

The trend of women buying jewelry for ourselves challenges societal norms and outdated traditions that associate jewelry solely with gifts from others. It signifies a shift towards gender equality.

Overall, the rise of women buying jewelry for ourselves is a powerful reflection of changing times and an increasing recognition of our autonomy and self-worth. We are not only celebrating our individuality and accomplishments but also rewriting the narratives around jewelry. So the next time I’m wondering whether to treat myself to a new pair of earrings, can I say it’s for feminism? ;)

Dive deeper into the world of jewelry

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